Saturday 10 March 2012


Are you studying 1º ESO?
Watch this video and complete the activities below.
A. Tick the places in town that you hear.
toy shop ....                      church ....
post-office ....                  bakery ....
gas station ....                  dentist´s .... 
hairdresser´s ....               town hall ....
chemist´s ....                    butcher´s ....
school ....                         hospital ....
library ....                         park ....
bus station ....                  swimming-pool ....
grocery store ....              tourist information centre ....
B. Now answer these questions:
1. What is Mr O´Hara doing now?
2. What can you do at the post-office?
3. What does Peter sell in his shop?
4. Where´s the church?
5. When does Mr O´Hara go to church?
6. What is opposite the gas station?
7. Who lives near the library?
8. What will Ana cook for John´s birthday?
C. Now it´s your turn! Prepare a similar dialogue with one of your classmates and role play it to the class.

1 comment:

  1. Este vídeo es perfecto para trabajar en una clase de 1ºESO, cuando ven vocabulario relacionado con la ciudad y las preposiciones de lugar.
    Una vez se haya presentado el vocabulario necesario a los alumnos, se les enseñará este vídeo dos veces. La primera vez que lo ven deberán realizar la tarea A. Después, completarán la tarea B tras un segundo visionado. Se les puede hacer otro tipo de preguntas de manera oral sobre el vídeo tales como "How old do you think the characters in the story are?, What clothes are they wearing?, What´s the relationship between them?, etc..."
    Por último, los alumnos realizarán un role-play basándose en el vídeo que han visto utilizando el vocabulario aprendido.
