Monday 26 October 2015


I am thin and bony like a skeleton, not very tall but good for my age. My hair is short, spiky and brown like Milka. My face is oval and my eyes are brown.
I am handsome like David Bekham, not very original. I am not supple; if I did Rhythmic gymnastics, my legs would probably break. I am very grumpy and I don´t like losing.
Bruno 1º ESO

I am as tall as Slenderman and a little bit thin. I´m in my 10´s. I have an oval face as an egg and brown eyes as poop. I have short brown hair. I am energetic ans sometimes awesome.
Alejandro 1º ESO 

I am as young as you all. I´m as thick as a stick, as short as a dwarf dwarf. I´ve got eyes as the Namekian Sea, hair like Tintin and I´m as drunk as Captain Haddock. (no, that´s a joke)
I like making jokes, as the joker. I´m really kind but also very vengeful. I am also a bit of a pain in the neck, but lovely at the same time. I´ve got lots of common sense even though I´m a bit crazy. I used to sit in the first row.
Dani 1º ESO

I have pale skin. I have green eyes. My hair is the colour of chocolate. It is also long and straight. I am as tall as a tree. I am slim. My face is round.
I am energetic, brave, quite confident, enthusiastic, helpful, honest, hard-working, nice, friendly, stubborn, healthy, unselfish and unique as a snow flake.
Mónica 1º ESO

I´m chubby but not too much. I´m short. I´m young. My face is more or less a round one. My eyes are normal and brown and my hair is medium length, straight and brown like chocolate.
I´m active, adventurous, beautiful, caring, curious, determined, energetic, fun, happy, hardworking, intelligent, helpful, positive, surprising and optimistic. My problem is that I am shy, but not too much.
Miriam 1ºC

I have straight, brown and short hair; I don´t have a fringe. I´m also like a basket; my face is round. I am a teenager. I have a little bit of a tummy. My eyes are brown.
I am lazy but I am also very confident. I like to play and I´m not very mature. Perhaps it  doesn´t look it but I am a good person and I´m not scared of anyone.
Diego 1º ESO

I´m taller than my gluteus and that Almudena, who is taller than a pine. I´m well-built or muscular because I´m in my 10´s. I have a normal head, spiky hair, normal eyes and, oohh!, I´m elegant with the ladies. I am very, very attractive. I´m - sshh - don´t tell- I´m a secret spy; the CIA hired me and I´m working with 007, James Bond.... And I´m very brave.
Adrián 1ºC 

I am a very very tall dwarf. I´m a thin boy. I have suntanned skin like coffee with a lot of milk. I am a teenager with a round face. I have straight hair and a pony tail like a dog´s tail. I have brown eyes like my hair and my eyes are a bit Chinese.
I´m a entusiastic, joyful, optimistic person. I´m also kind of intelligent, original and imaginative.   I´m confident like an ork inside battle, but caring too. The problem is that I am crazy, like crazy super crazy. Like Nicholas Tesla on a bad day. I´m an unusual person. 
Ángel 1ºC

I have long hair; it´s wavy and veeery, very cool. Well, it´s not all wavy, it´s also straight. But   it´s veeery cool. I also have green eyes and they are so high that look like a tennis ball, like those tennis balls that are green.
I´m also very very stubborn, curious, a good person. I am also selfish when I want. I´m sometimes nervous and friendly. I think I´m your friend. So guess who I am?
I have two sisters, they are 5 and 9 years old. I´m the oldest sister of my family. My birthday is on the 16th of May.
Lucía 1º ESO

My hair is brown like chocolate with milk and wavy like little ocean waves. I think my hair is long. My eyes are brown and big. I am a little bit suntanned, tall and thin.
My parents say that I am brave because I love riding motorbikes, but I like it a lot. Also, I am shy and not creative. My friends say that I am friendly, sympathetic and generous. I think that I´m lazy and fun. I love sports and music.
Karla 1º ESO

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