Wednesday 7 November 2018


For this term; your project will be centred on music. You and your partner are members of a band. Together, you will  carry out different tasks:
1. Make a CD cover
2. Invent the name of the band; the names of 5 band members; and write a biography of two of them (120 -150 words)
3. Video an interview with the band.
4. Write a song and give it a title.
5. Write 2 gig reviews for a music magazine. 
6. Design a poster advertising gigs.  
7. Present your band to the rest of the class. 

Deadline:  Thursday 22nd November
Presenting in front of class: Monday 26th November

- Present your band:  name of band and why you chose that name; names of band members.
- Each of the band members will present some important events from their biography
- Show the CD cover and the poster to the rest of the class. Explain the CD cover.
- Show the interview to the rest of the class


Design and creativity

Video: varied use of gramar and vocabulary

Song: varied use of gramar and vocabulary

Accuracy in video and song.

Writing: correct use of gramar and vocabulary.

Oral presentation: fluency

Oral presentation: accuracy

Overall effort

Task completion

Team work


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